What mystry is there,behind tarot cards?

Tarot cards are a tool used for divination, or the practice of seeking knowledge of the future or the unknown through supernatural means. The belief is that tarot cards can help reveal insights about a person’s life, emotions, relationships, and potential future events.

The traditional tarot deck consists of 78 cards, each with a unique image and meaning. The cards are typically divided into two groups: the Major Arcana (22 cards) and the Minor Arcana (56 cards). The Major Arcana represents major life events, archetypes, and universal themes, while the Minor Arcana represents everyday events and situations.

During a tarot reading, the tarot reader shuffles the cards and asks the person seeking the reading to focus on a question or situation they want guidance on. The reader then lays out the cards in a specific pattern, called a “spread,” and interprets the cards’ meanings based on their position in the spread, the cards’ images, and the reader’s intuition.

The interpretations of the cards can vary depending on the individual reader, as well as the person receiving the reading. Some believe that the cards have a supernatural power, while others believe that the power of the cards comes from the insights and intuition of the reader and the person receiving the reading.

Overall, tarot cards work by helping to provide insights and guidance about a person’s life, emotions, and potential future events. The power of the cards comes from a combination of their symbolism, the reader’s intuition and interpretation, and the person receiving the reading’s openness and willingness to receive guidance.